Neghahban Rashan Program has started to provide free rashan to poor families

The Punjab government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, has launched the Neghahban Rashan Program 2024. The objective is to provide support during the holy month of Ramadan by distributing Punjab Ehsaas Rashan Riayat and grocery products in the market to meet the needs of every poor and needy family. Efforts have been made in cities like Multan to ensure basic food provision to impoverished individuals, especially during Ramadan.

Objective and Implementation of the Neghahban Rashan Program

The primary aim of the Neghahban Rashan Program 2024 is to provide free Rashan (food provisions) to poor families during Ramadan. Target beneficiaries include poor and needy families, orphans, and widows. Implementation involves collaboration with district administrations, food departments, and officials to ensure efficient and responsive delivery.

Efforts in Multan City

Neghahban Rashan Program has started

In Multan City, efforts have been directed towards establishing Ramadan Bazaars and offices to facilitate the distribution of provisions to those in need.

Transparency Measures

To ensure transparency and accountability, third-party evaluations will be conducted, and a Help Desk for registration will be set up. All registration information will be collected centrally to streamline the distribution process.

Collaboration with Third-Party

Collaboration with third-party entities is essential to maintain the integrity of the program. Registration data will be collected and managed through a centralized system to prevent any discrepancies.

Importance of the Neghahban Program

The Neghahban Rashan 2024 program serves as a beacon of hope for the less fortunate, offering vital support during Ramadan. The Punjab government’s commitment to serving vulnerable members of society is evident through effective registration procedures and proper implementation.

Inclusion of BISP Beneficiaries with Neghahban Rashan Program

While there is no dedicated online portal for the Neghahban Rashan Program 2024, families enrolled in the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) with a PMT score of less than 32 will be included to receive assistance.


The Neghahban mission is set to commence in March 2024. CM Maryam Nawaz has assured that Rashan provisions will be delivered to the doorsteps of registered individuals, eliminating the need for them to venture out. The success of the program against poverty during Ramadan hinges on effective implementation, honesty, and dedication from the management.

Also Read: Maryam Nawaz Introduces the iPad Scheme Alongside the Neghahban Program


Will this Program be Effective Against Poverty?

If the Neghahban Program is implemented properly without any self-interest, and if the management remains honest, it has the potential to be effective against poverty during Ramadan.

Will We Face Any Difficulties in Getting the Rashan?

According to CM Punjab, Rashan provisions will be delivered to homes, eliminating the need for individuals to go out and contend for provisions.

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